Orange Tulip Scholarship Programme

About the Orange Tulip Scholarship Programme at Radboud University

Please note: it is no longer possible to apply for the Orange Tulip Scholarship for 2022-2023. The scope, level, duration and requirements for 2023-2024 are not yet known.

The Orange Tulip Scholarship Programme, organised by Nuffic Neso, gives excellent students coming from China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Russia, South Africa, and Vietnam, the opportunity to study at Radboud University. Radboud University has a maximum of 21 scholarships available for the academic year 2022/2023.

The scholarship consists of a reduction of the institutional tuition fee for non-EEA students (to €2,209,- in 2022/2023). Also, visa and residence permit costs, liability insurance and health insurance for your stay in the Netherlands (Aon Student Insurance) are covered. The Orange Tulip Scholarship is not a full scholarship and does not include living costs. You can find an indication of what international students should count on spending for one year of living and studying in the Netherlands, on our website.

Additional information

  • The scholarship can be granted for a maximum duration of two years, depending on the duration of the master's programme.
  • In case you are selected as a scholarship recipient and you are admitted to a two-year Master's programme: to qualify for the grant again for the second year, you need to have passed all courses in the first year.
  • The Orange Tulip Scholarship cannot be combined with the Radboud Encouragement Scholarship, Radboud Scholarship Programme, Fulbright-Radboud Scholarship, or Holland Scholarship. You can apply for more than one scholarship, but only one will be granted.

Eligibility requirements

In order to be eligible the scholarship, you:

  • are admitted to an English-taught Master’s degree programme at Radboud University, starting 1 September 2022 (and at the time of your scholarship application you need to have at least applied for this Master's programme at Radboud University)
  • have (will obtain) a Bachelor's degree achieved outside the Netherlands, have no degrees achieved in the Netherlands and did not receive any previous education in the Netherlands (exchange programmes excluded, provided that they are part of the bachelor degree achieved outside the Netherlands)
  • must be a citizen of one of the Neso countries (China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Russia, South Africa, Vietnam) and should not currently be studying or working in the Netherlands
  • meet the English language proficiency requirement for the Master's programme you applied for at Radboud University
  • are not eligible for the lower EEA tuition fee

Selection criteria

The selection of the scholarship recipients will be based on the following criteria:

  • Academic excellence
    - Outstanding study results in your present field of study, for example through grades, test scores, publications.
    - Relevancy of your previous degree to the master’s programme.
    - The ranking of the university where you obtained your previous degree(s).
  • Ambition
    - The quality and relevance of your motivation letter for the Master’s programme.
    - Show promise, based on previous achievements, performances and work in the relevant field of study.
    - Life experience and/or extracurricular activities such as internships or volunteering.
  • References
    - Quality of the recommendations in the two reference letters, preferably two academic references, please see these reference guidlines (pdf, 87 kB).

All students applying for the Orange Tulip Scholarship will be individually considered by the selection committee of the faculty they applied to. This selection is based on the criteria as mentioned above. Faculties may base their selection on other criteria as well; some study programmes hold interviews for example.


The application deadline to apply for all Orange Tulip Scholarship Programmes through your Nuffic NESO office is 28 February 2022, 23:59 CEST. You must also have completed your application for the Master's programme at Radboud University via the online OSIRIS Application system before 28 February 2022, 23:59 CEST.

Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered for Orange Tulip Scholarship. An incomplete application means that some information and/or documents are missing or illegible. Therefore, please be advised to submit your Master's programme application early February 2022 at the latest so that our Admissions Office has enough time to review your Master's application and inform you in case it is incomplete. We recommend you to hand in your proof of English proficiency before the deadline of 28 February 2022 as well.

You will be notified about the scholarship results by department Student Life and International Mobility before mid-April 2022.

More information and contact

The Orange Tulip Scholarship programme is organised by Nuffic NESO(verwijst naar een andere website).
For more information on each national programme and the application procedure, please see the webpages below.

২ ভাবে আপনি সেবা গ্রহন করতে পারেন।

সেবা গ্রহন করার জন্য অবশ্যই আপনাকে শিক্ষাঙ্গন এর রেজিস্টার্ড ইউজার হতে হবে। এই পেজ এর উপরের ডান দিকে আপনি ২/৩ টি বাটন দেখতে পাচ্ছেন। Send Mail বাটন ব্যাবহার করে আপনি রেজিস্ট্রেশান অথবা লগইন করে এই সেবা গ্রহনের জন্য অনুরোধ পাঠাতে পারেন। যদি কোন কিছু বুঝতে সমস্যা অনুভোব করলে পরবর্তি Call Now বাটন এ ক্লিক করে আমাদের কল সেন্টার এ ফোন করে বিস্তারিত জানতে পারবেন।

শিক্ষাঙ্গন এর সাথে থাকার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ

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